LPGas Magazine – Space Heating Solution

What does the aptly named Heat Pump Helper™ (HPH) mean for the propane industry and the marketers willing to promote it to their customers?

Brian Richesson over at LPGas Magazine recently interviewed some industry leaders about the Heat Pump Helper™ solution by Bindus™. In the article, he explains the overall concept, explores some history and delves into thoughts from industry leaders.

What’s the overall feeling? All things considered, it looks like the Heat Pump Helper® is going to be a great addition to the industry!

PMMag – “Hydronicize” Those Heat Pumps!

2023 is the 30th Anniversary of AQUECOIL® Hydronic Heating Units so the concept of upgrading heat pumps using hot water is no spring chicken. That said, here’s an article written by John Siegenthaler, P.E. for Plumbing & Mechanical Magazine back in the year 2000. Nearly all of it still applies today, even with all the advances in heat pump technology.

The Heat Pump Helper™ system takes a tried-and-true idea that was historically marginalized because of complex installations… And makes it simpler!

LPGas Magazine – Hydroheat and Heat Pump Helper™

Randy Doyle, a contributor to LPGas Magazine recently wrote an article about the Heat Pump Helper™ system and benefits when used with Propane. As a 40-year industry veteran, he knows his stuff!

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